

   nothingjin jang
                             The philosophy behind physics      

  Why is there actually something and not just nothing?
It is undisputed that something is there and not just nothing, otherwise we would not be there either. Since something is there, there has never been absolutely nothing, because if there had ever been absolutely nothing, it would always have remained that way. After all, there would then, of course, have been no possibility of this state ever changing, because even the slightest possibility would already be more than nothing. A SOMETHING has therefore always been there, because if this SOMETHING had come into being, there would have been absolutely (without exception) nothing before it and it would always have remained that way.

. However, why hasn't there been nothing without exception and why did it not remain so?
Well, where would there have been nothing without exception then? Nothing without exception (any absence of anything) allows for no dimension in which it could have existed or, relative to which, everything could have been absent, as a dimension would already be more than nothing. And when would nothing without exception have been? Nothing without exception also allows for no time in which it could have existed or, relative to which, everything could have been absent, as time would also already be more than nothing. Absolutely nothing theoretically could never have been, as even a theory would already be more than nothing. The state of "nothing without exception" (an absence of all that exists) could therefore never have been. For even an absence would also already be more than nothing, since an absence requires something relative to which it can be absent.

What then could have been absent relative to what, and when and where? 
This is a catch-22.

   Absolutely nothing is the only state in which the question does not arise, what came before?   However, absolutely nothing was never possible. Something has always been there. Because only something present (1) also creates the possibility for absence (0) to be absent relative to something. Somewhat comparable to numbers in mathematics. If there would be no numbers, there would be no zeros. Without one, there wouldn't even be zero. Without something, there wouldn’t even be nothing.

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Something and nothing

   Absolutely NOTHING: Absolutely nothing cannot be.   
   Relatively NOTHING (relative to something) = infinite theoretical possibilities. One of the infinite number of theoretical possibilities actually exists in practice, namely a SOMETHING. If this SOMETHING did not exist, no further possibility could be realised because only a real possibility can also realise theoretical possibilities. This is somewhat comparable to the many possibilities in a football match. Without SOMETHING (a ball), there would be no theoretical possibilities for playing football. Without a ball, there wouldn't be football, just as without something there wouldn't even be nothing. If I were alone in the NOTHING, I could only stretch my hand into the NOTHING if the NOTHING gave me the opportunity to do so. This means: The NOTHING = possibilities.

   SOMETHING: A singular, purposeless, sense-free, relatively real being.
This SOMETHING has always existed because, in timelessness, the moment is simultaneously an eternity. This SOMETHING is the totality of all being. However, it cannot refer to anything. Without a reference point, this SOMETHING is both there and not there. It fluctuates in rhythm without an arrow of time. This causes a “mistake” in NOTHING and thereby also enables the real existence of the NOTHING in the form of infinite theoretical possibilities that can be realised by the SOMETHING. The NOTHING only exists in conjunction with the SOMETHING. Without something, there wouldn't even be nothing.

SOMETHING + NOTHING,  therefore, are the lowest common denominator. Anything smaller would be less than nothing. Hence, the lowest common denominator at the same time also includes everything. And that is exactly what we observe. In the micro, meso, and macrocosm, we observe a mixture of SOMETHING and NOTHING. It cannot be any other way, for SOMETHING without NOTHING would be infinitely large and dense, with no possibility of this state ever changing. And NOTHING without SOMETHING would never even be nothing. But both are not flawless!

The imperfection

    The imperfection (the flawedness): 
SOMETHING causes a flaw in NOTHING, thereby establishing the foundation of the basic principle, the imperfection (the flawedness).
The SOMETHING itself cannot escape the principle it has caused and is therefore also imperfect (flawed). NOTHING, as an exception, contains SOMETHING within it, and SOMETHING, as an exception, contains NOTHING within it. Both cause a flaw in the other, as also somewhat symbolised in the yin-yang concept. Whatever is subsequently developed, formed and shaped from this causally imperfect SOMETHING + NOTHING will remain imperfect, as both are already imperfect in the lowest common denominator. This is somewhat (symbolically) comparable to the fundamental principle of Lego, the studs. Whatever you build with Lego bricks contains studs. You can build in a way that hides the studs, but they are there. Without studs, Lego wouldn't be Lego. Just as NOTHING without something would not be nothing.   
    Imperfection is the basic principle of all being. This is how it is and always will be. From the smallest to the largest, everything is and remains flawed.

  By flawed, we don’t mean wrong or defective but rather an exception to the rule,
an irregularity within regularity, an asymmetry within symmetry,  a deviation from the conventional,
a fluctuation in vibration, an uncertainty within that which is certain,
an inaccuracy or fuzziness, something that is missing within the fullness,
or succinctly put: an imperfection in perfection!

Imperfection is the fundamental principle of all that is!

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